A ticketing system is the most common medium of communication that hosting companies offer to their customers. It is typically part of the billing account and is the most efficient way to deal with an issue that requires a certain amount of time to examine or that has to be escalated to a server admin. In this way, all comments supplied by either side will be stored in the exact same place in the event that someone else needs to work on the issue at hand and the information already exchanged in the ticket will be available to all parties. The negative side of using a ticketing system with most web hosting platforms is that it is not integrated into the web hosting Control Panel, which implies that you’ll have to sign in and out of no less than 2 accounts in order to carry out a given task or to touch base with the company’s help desk support team. In case you wish to manage a couple of domains and each one of them is hosted in a separate account, you’ll have to use an even larger number of accounts at the same time. Also, it could take a significant period of time for the hosting provider to reply to your tickets.

Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Web Hosting

In contrast with what you may find with numerous other web hosting providers, the ticketing system that we use with our shared web hosting is an indivisible part of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with all accounts. You won’t have to memorize different log-in names and passwords, since you’ll be able to manage both your tickets and the hosting account itself from a single location. So, in case you have a query or come across a problem, you can get in touch with our customer support staff representatives straight away. Our ticketing system comes with an intelligent search mechanism. This suggests that even if you have sent many tickets over the years, you’ll be able to track down the one that you need without hassle. Additionally, you can see knowledge base guides to tackling commonly encountered problems.