Anytime any data is uploaded to a shared web hosting account or downloaded using it, website traffic is produced which is an attribute that each hosting package has. It's furthermore one of the features you need to check, since how much website traffic quota you will need will depend on the things you need the account for. The traffic is generally generated by downloads including web site visits. In layman's terms, anytime someone opens your website, the web pages are downloaded from the server to his or her computer and they are afterwards displayed by their web browser. It is of course important to be aware that uploads matter too, so if you back up larger files from your computer to the server, some website traffic is generated too. Different companies often have different names for this feature, for instance traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, yet they all apply to the same thing - the amount of incoming and outgoing info produced for a particular period of time.

Monthly Traffic in Shared Web Hosting

The monthly site traffic allowance for our shared web hosting packages is sufficient for any website. If you have a blog, a community forum or electronic commerce portal, the amount of info will be transferred to and from your account or reaching some reduced allowance limit will not be a reason for your sites to be unavailable. We also provide comprehensive website traffic info, so you will be allowed to keep track of how much info is being downloaded all of the time. The monthly, daily and hourly stats will give you an idea how the sites are performing, which files generate the most site traffic plus a lot more useful details which can help you control the web sites as well as the account altogether. The statistics can be seen with just a couple of clicks from the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers

With each VPS server plan that we offer, we provide a different monthly website traffic allowance that will depend on how powerful the server is. In this way, we're able to keep the lower-end plans inexpensive and provide you with the option to select the package you really need based on your budget and your resource needs. Upgrading from one plan to another is very easy and usually takes just a few clicks in your VPS billing Control Panel, consequently when you start getting more website visitors at some point soon and you need an increased site traffic allowance, you will be able to switch to a better package at any time. We'll notify you if you reach 90% of your monthly quota, so that you will have enough time either to update or to optimise your web sites, to lower the outbound site traffic. The VPS plans also include a server administration panel where you can see the amount of site traffic has already been used for the present month and what amount is left up till you reach the quota limit.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers

With a dedicated server, you will have a very efficient website hosting solution at your disposal and the website traffic allowance that you will get suits the rest of the characteristics. The server will be able to make terabytes of site traffic monthly, so that regardless of the kind or amount of web sites that you host, you will never need to worry about them being inaccessible due to not sufficient website traffic. To be on the safe side though, we will give you the opportunity to improve this feature if required. We will inform you in advance if you get close to the limit, so you'll have the option to update or lower the website traffic by optimizing your info to avoid any disruption of the work of your websites. You can view the consumed and remaining website traffic for the present month via the administration panel that we supply. The information there contains all the incoming and outgoing transfers, including software setups and updates. In contrast, a hosting Control Panel can offer more detailed data, but only for the website traffic to and from a hosting account, not the server altogether.