Varnish in Shared Web Hosting
Varnish comes as an optional upgrade with each of our shared web hosting. You can add it to your hosting account via the Hepsia Control Panel, which is available with all shared packages and you will get a very intuitive GUI, which will grant you full control over the caching system. Using 1-click fast-access controls, you can reboot or delete any of the instances, in other words – Varnish will no longer be activated for a specific website. You can also check a detailed log or delete the cache associated with any of the sites. When you add Varnish to your shared web hosting plan, you’ll be able to select the total amount of system memory that will be available to you for content caching purposes and how many sites will use Varnish. You can always get more memory in increments of 32 megabytes and, for best performance, you can get a dedicated IP for the websites that will use Varnish. This will enable you to take full advantage of your sites and to have a lot of pleased website users.
Varnish in VPS Servers
You can take full advantage of the workload balancing potential of Varnish with all our VPS servers in case you choose Hepsia as your Control Panel. The Varnish data caching platform is available by default and the amount of system memory that it’ll be able to utilize to cache the content of your sites depends on the specific plan that you’ve picked, but even with the less powerful packages, you’ll have at least several hundred MB of system memory at your disposal only for data caching purposes. This amount is sufficient enough to boost the overall performance of numerous sites. It will take a little time for you to see the results, as the Varnish platform caches the content that visitors open, but soon after that you’ll notice the considerably lowered load on the virtual server and the improved Internet site load speed. The Varnish caching platform will allow you to make use of a less powerful package for Internet sites which would usually need a more costly hosting solution.
Varnish in Dedicated Servers
If you order a dedicated server with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you’ll obtain the Varnish platform at no extra cost and you’ll exert total control over it via an extremely easy-to-work-with graphical interface – you will be able to start, to deactivate or to reboot an instance, to view an in-depth log, to delete the cached data for any website and much more. Varnish will have several gigabytes of system memory at its disposal, so even if you run frequently visited sites with an immense number of visitors, you’ll notice the tremendously better site loading speeds and the decreased server load. This will happen soon after you begin using the Varnish platform, as it will need some time to cache the web pages that visitors access. You can get the most out of the platform’s capabilities if the sites that are using it also use a dedicated IP address, but due to the fact that your dedicated server includes a couple of IP addresses by default, you will not need to pay anything on top of your monthly fee for the machine itself.